diciembre 05, 2021

We were in love, weren't we?

It was dawn And there we were, sweating, catching our breath, recovering our senses Loving, hot warm weather, loving We were in love, weren't we?

It was morning
And there we were, cooking breakfast, setting up the table,
Laughing, delicious smell up in the air, loving
We were in love, weren't we?

It was afternoon
And there we were, walking through the streets, getting fake ovni tattoos,
Singing, driving, loving
We were in love, weren't we?

It was night
And there we were, sitting outside, talking about life, our dogs, our past, right under your moon
Caring, vulnerable, loving
We were in love, weren't we?
It was dawn
And there I was, crying myself to sleep again, thinking, wondering, why was I not enough? Why couldn't you chose me? Why am I not enough?
Crying, broken, alone.
We were in love, weren't we?


diciembre 03, 2021

You are beautiful

You are beautiful

Con tus ojitos cansados por tanto llorar
You are beautiful
Con tu alma agotada de tanto intentar
You are beautiful
Con tu mente exhausta de tanto correr
You are beautiful
Y con tu corazón harto de tanto querer
You are beautiful

Que tus ojos sigan reflejando la belleza de tu interior
You are beautiful
Que tu alma siga brillando y bailando el vals del amor
You are beautiful
Que tu mente nunca pare de aprender y crecer
You are beautiful
Y que tu corazón nunca pare de volver a creer

Because, You are beautiful.



Love is numb, isn't?

Is it? Why can't I feel it?

Because love is dumb

I thought you said it was numb?

Because love is numb

What is this then?

It's love. Can't you feel it?

No. Or am I?

I don't know, are you numb? Are you in love?

How can you tell the difference?

You tell me.


~JP. 12/3/2021.